World-Class Probiotics
Developed with
Precision & Care

ExeGi’s purpose is to formulate the most effective probiotics to provide relief of serious conditions so that people and their pets can live healthier lives.

Visbiome at a Glance

VISBIOME is intended for the clinical dietary management of patients who, because of therapeutic or chronic medical needs, have special medically determined nutrient requirements, the dietary management of which cannot be achieved by the modification of the normal diet alone.

High Potency, Multi-Strain Formulation

The 8 distinct strains compromising the De Simone Formulation were selected not only for their individual characteristics, but also their synergistic activities.

Extensive Clinical Support

The Visbiome Formulation has been the subject of over 80 peer-reviewed trials and over 20 years of research, making it the most studied, multi-strain probiotic available.

Best Care

Refrigerated from production to distribution and shipped cold with a temperature monitoring sensor to ensure product potency.

Visbiome High Potency Probiotic

Visbiome is a medical food intended for the dietary management of dysbiosis associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea (AAD), Ulcerative Colitis (UC), Pouchitis, and Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE).

Visbiome Capsules

Live Probiotics

Visbiome Unflavored

Live Probiotics

Visbiome Extra Strength

Live Probiotics
Visbiome Infant Drops Probiotic Supplement

VISBIOME INFANT DROPS is a probiotic supplement for colic and digestive support designed for infants. In a double-blind, placebo controlled study Visbiome® Infant Drops reduced crying time in infants up to 70%.

Visbiome Infant Drops

Live Probiotics

Post-Market Pipeline

Visbiome® probiotic products are currently the subject of several post-marketing trials evaluating the formulation in a number of human and veterinary applications.

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