Monthly ArchivesNovember 2018

Maryland Federal Jury Unanimously Finds Probiotic Sellers Liable for False Advertising and Awards Product Inventor More than $18 Million in Damages standard

Claudio De Simone, inventor of high-potency probiotic, sued pharmaceutical companies for making false advertising claims, ownership rights to the product formula and unpaid royalties November 26, 2018 09:30 AM Eastern Standard Time GREENBELT, Md. – A federal jury on Tuesday, Nov. 20, unanimously ruled in favor of a probiotic inventor who sued his former business partners after an international dispute concerning false advertising, ownership of a proprietary formulation and unpaid royalties. The inventor accused his former partners of attempting to make a copy of his invention and selling it to unsuspecting patients under the same brand name, even though the copy product had never been clinically tested. The three-week trial in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland ...

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